Friday, April 4, 2014

Taking Responsiblity

Why should we blame the rest of the world for our kids lack of respect?

I see a lot of news lately about kids/teens being very disrespectful to others, and property. Whatever happened to parents teaching respect? Respect needs to be for people and for property. If you can't take care of others property then why would you respect others?  Parents need to step up and start being parents.  I've heard people say "Oh I wanna just be my kids friend"....Sorry but that won't get you anywhere. I tell my two girls " I'm your Mom first, friend second". I'll always be there for them but I'll also be there to show them where they need to go or act.  You can't do both at the same time. To me being a parent means stepping up to the plate, and doing what you may not want to do.

Sitting back and watching your kids spiral out of control and then wonder what the heck happened?! What went wrong?!  STOP blaming the schools, stop blaming the outside world. Start looking deep within your own home! Take control of your kids and show them how to respect others.  You may not be your child's favorite person BUT you'll end up saving their life.

If they do not learn respect now then it could become a MAJOR problem down the road. If they lack respect then the may end up in jail.  How can they respect the law if they have no respect at all.

I teach my kids how to respect others, to treat everyone as they would want to be treated.  They are young but we try very hard to instill in them respect. We know that our kids respect others, and try their hardest to always respect others.  They are only 3 and 5 but its a work in process. 


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